| Chapter Display Collection - 1987 Self-standing display produced for X-Con opportunity, used 30x since. Made of a framework of sweated half-inch copper tubing supporting display panels of aluminum faced half inch foam sheathing, this 7 ft high, 2 ft thick and 8 ft long display offers 64 square feet of display space and an 8t. square foot table to hold flyers and informational handouts. The display cost about $50 to make (back then), comes apart and stacks in a 10" x 3'x4' package for EZ transport in a wagon or hatch back. It is very lightweight and can be handled, assembled, and disassembled easily by one person in minutes. The photos, prints, drawings, and posters displayed on the unit are periodically refreshed to remain relevant. The unit has been seen by many thousands of people over the years at more than 30 public outreach events. Blueprints and fabrication instructions are available. [SASE to Display Blueprints, c/o Peter Kokh, 1630 N. 32nd Street, Milwaukee, WI 53208]
- 1989 small self-standing display, Plexiglas two-sided, easily changeable, used to promote workshops and special events.
- 12" globe of the Moon by Replogle. (We would like to acquire second hand 12" globes of Mars and of Venus, as Replogle no longer prints them).
- A new freestanding multi-fold display, modeled after the one used by Midwest Space Development Corp. to promote the annual MSDC conference. It is made of 14 foam core panels, each 20" wide and 40" high. Eight of them are covered on both sides with portions of two wallpaper murals* ("Earthrise" - Earth over a lunar landscape, and "Columbia in orbit" over an Earthscape). The other six panels are covered (using a fabric adhesive) on both sides with velcro-friendly blue fabric, for hanging pictures and info-items with male velcro tabs. The display sets up zigzag fashion, seven below, seven above, alternating mural and fabric panels. As you walk around the display, you see alternately just the Earthrise mural, then one set of info-display panels, just the Columbia mural, then the other set of info-displays. This unit was prepared in time to promote ISDC '98 in Orlando at ISDC '97 and has been used only twice otherwise. But we plans to begin using it again once we prepare new sets of items to hang on it. One side will promote LRS & MMM, the other side NSS, ASI, and SFF.
- * These wallpaper murals come in 8 sections, 4 top, 4 bottom, and have combined dimensions of 8' 8" in height, 13' 8" in width. We selected a central portion 6' 8" in height and 6' 8' in width. We bonded them to the foam core pieces using a spray fabric adhesive. Then we trimmed the edges with half-inch black plastic U channels (very hard to find).
- "Z-Vue" Table model 1/8th scale working demonstration model of a periscopic picture window unit in a future Lunan homestead. Produced for ISDC '98 Lunar Homestead Exhibit, exhibited since at Discovery World Museum (2-day stand). The unit is 24" wide, and about 28" high and deep, and has two 8"x12" mirrors on 45° angles. The object (a model of the Apollo Lunar Lander) appears to be straight ahead of the viewer.
- "Moon Brick Set" -- (a) one standard Earth brick weighing 3.5 lbs, (b) a much larger brick makable on the Moon and sized to weigh 3.5 lbs. (one Earth brick encased in styrofoam of negligible weight to the size of a 6-pack of Earth bricks, fleck-painted to look like ceramic), (c) a bonded 6-pack of Earth bricks, fleck painted to look like one brick, to show how much mass would go into the much lighter feeling (b). All the bricks have handles. This touchy-feely exhibit is very popular as it quickly gets across the idea of the Moon's 1/6th gravity. Produced in time for ISDC '98 Lunar Homestead Exhibit, and seen by thousands since at the Deke Slayton AirFest in LaCrosse.
- Earth-Mars-Moon "Gravity Bricks" -- similar to the "Moon Brick Set" and designed to demonstrate Mars' 3/8ths Earth standard gravity as well on a lower weight scale. Produced for the organizing meeting of the Wisconsin Mars Society, 2/13/99.
We have since improved this set with the addition of a same scale "Moon Brick" 2/2000. This set was seen in Tucson (ISDC 2000) by Pascal Lee, young NASA Ames Planetary Scientist who alerted Robert Zubrin to the strong similarities of terrain at Haughton Crater on Devon Island in Canada's arctic north. This has led to the construction of a Mars Arctic Simulation outpost there in the summer of 2000. Lee ordered a set of our Earth-Mars-Moon "Gravity Bricks" so that those doing operational simulations at the site would have a hands on feel for how much they had to account for the gravity differences in their simulation procedures. We have also offered to make additional sets for other chapters of NSS, MS, and the Moon Society. As of September, 2002 there are two dozen sets in circulation in North America. UPDATE: 10|12|02 - for those who want to try their own hand(s) at making a set of "gravity bricks" for their chapter or group, a full set of instructions (including materials list, tools list, and options) with illustrations to be added in an ASAP update is now online on the Space Chapters Hub website. [photo] UPDATE: 9|20|02 - we have designed a whole new set, this time made out of plastic jugs. The complete instructions for making your own set of "Gravity Jugs" is now online on the Space Chapters Hub website. [photo] Display Items on our Wish List LRS Display Events through the years - '87 Sputnik 30th Anniversary at Discovery World Museum
- Regency Mall, Racine, twice during Aviation Explorers event
- UWM Planetarium lobby, twice
- Kenosha Public Library (South)
- Kenosha Air Show, twice
- Rockford Air Show
- Neenah-Menasha for the Neptune-Triton encounter in '89
- Earth Day '90 Celebration at the Eagles Club
- Indian Summer ethnic festival, twice
- '94 Apollo 11 - 25th Anniversary at Discovery World Museum
- Several Science Fiction Conventions '87-99, Milwaukee, Madison, Janesville with assistance at several Chicago area Cons, and one in Minneapolis-St. Paul
- Two Discovery World Museum events in '98
- La Crosse Air Show '98\Mission Home Event at Discovery World and Childrens' Hospital, '98
- Two Cinema complex Mars movie events in 2000
- Three Discovery World Museum events in 2004
Know of an Upcoming Opportunity to set up our displays? |