LRS is a Milwaukee-based membership organization engaged in public outreach and education about the benefits of establishing a permanent human presence on the Moon that would be engaged in using the resources there to help solve Earth's long-term energy and environmental problems. On such a vibrant frontier, the creativity and resourcefulness of the human spirit would reach new heights.

Sense in which we use the word "Reclamation"

We serve as a chapter of the National Space Society [NSS], headquartered in Washington DC, with over forty chapters, and more than 25,000 members worldwide. LRS members are encouraged, but not required, to be members of NSS. NSS members receive the superb glossy Ad Astra magazine.

Our Beginnings, Focus on the Moon, Vision, and Mission. The sense in which we use the word "Reclamation". The range of our activities.

Realistically, most of us will never get a chance to pioneer the space frontier in person. We work to lay foundations for those that will do so. Meanwhile, there are ways to explore from home.

We launched our newsletter, Moon Miners' Manifesto, with issue #1 in December 1986 to serve our local SE Wisconsin NSS chapter. MMM now serves several other NSS chapters as well as the members of the Moon Society. The Artemis Society hosts the Archive of MMM Back Issues as a joint project.

We meet monthly, except for July and August. Our meetings are free and open to the public. We post current LRS news on this page also.

Through the years, we have engaged in many projects. Projects are the life of the chapter, maintaining interest, continuity, and vigor. They exercise our talents, and have produced much fruit.

We keep a record of our many events and projects, both to keep us energized, and as a help for other chapters.

We offer speakers for many events and organizations, primarily locally and within commuting distance. We will talk about our future on the Moon, about Mars, and many other Space Topics from a variety of vantage points.

We have presented a number of structured workshops, usually at conferences, and are available to conduct space-topic and space-project workshops for other groups.

This is the fun name for our Brainstorming Team. This activity has resulted in award winning designs and published conference papers.

In 1990 we launched an effort to encourage experiments that would determine how low a light budget during the two week long lunar nightspan would still allow plants to survive and go on to produce a harvest.

We enjoy public space information outreach, and have put together a number of displays, models, and dioramas to help us in that effort.

We have not documented our events systematically. But we do have some pictures to show.

Past Brainstorming has produced a number of "white papers", some of which have been published in conference proceedings. Others have been serialized in our newsletter. Our Position Papers (jointly adopted with the Moon Society 3/04/04) are also listed.

Any organization must periodically reinvent itself if it is to survive. We offer some suggestions that evolution could take in the future.

As a chapter, we have worked closely with neighboring chapters, and have helped start new chapters in Wisconsin and neighboring states. We have been collaborating also with Artemis Society International and the Moon Society. We continue to remain open to joint endeavors.

In 1994, we produced the first painting made entirely from materials that could be produced from moondust in an early lunar settlement - pioneering a Lunar Appropriate Art Medium.

In addition to continuing painting experiments, we have plans to undertake other Lunar Appropriate Art Media Projects.

Through the years we have strongly supported the National Space Society's annual International Space Development Conference. We hosted ISDC '09 in Milwaukee.

We have put together an extensive set of space-related links, helpfully organized by topics

Moon Icon used as the basis of menu buttons, is courtesy of Simon Rowland of the Artemis Society.

Quick Links Topics of Special Interest

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NSS-Milwaukee - - Publishers of Moon Miners' Manifesto - Since 1986
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Moon Miners' Manifesto

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Mission Control Workshops

Copernicus Construction Co.

Lunar Agriculture Experiment



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Lunar Painting Experiment

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