Scenes From the Early Days | | |
Our Display Debuts at X-Con: Pete, Rodney Schroeter (R) | Early Cohorts: Treas. Tom Berna (L), Pete, Sec. Dan Galuska (R) | Dr. T. D. Lin spoke to us about making concrete on the Moon |
| Lady Base One - an early flash in the night that failed |
Early Artwork
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Our 1st logo | Early Rally Cry | 1st MMM Masthead |
Spinning Off New Ventures
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(L) Dave Dunlop, founded L.U.N.A.X., helped with WI Space Business Roundtable, and ran 1st Sheboygan "Rockets for Schools" event. (M) George French launched Space Business Roundtable & Sheboygan event | Business Card, LUNAX - Lunar National Agricultural eXperiment: logo created by Fred Fleischmen from a sketch by Peter Kokh |
From "our" ISDC - ISDC '98 - Milwaukee
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ISDC 98 Cochairs Mark Kaehny (L) Operations-Treasurer and Peter Kokh (R) Programming-Overall | Hyatt Regency Milwaukee | '99 Houston Chair Marianne Dyson with the '98 Milwaukee Chair |
Our Space Displays
Pix of our "Moon Manor" table-top Lunar Homestead exhibit, which made its debnut at ISDC '98, and has been seen by thousands of people since.
Our 20th Anniversary Celebration - December 9, 2006
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The Buffet - and everyone was hungry | 20 years of LRS & MMM in frosting | People present 20 years ago: L>R Ben Huset, Myles Mullikin, Peter Kokh, Scot Shjefte, Dave Riedel, Larry Ahearn |
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Minnesota Chapter award to Peter Kokh for 20 yrs of Moon Miners' Manifesto | Minnesota Chapter Award to the Chapter for 20 yrs of service. | Peter gives slide show on joint LRS/NSS/Moon Society 2 week moonbase simulation at Mars Desert Research Station |
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A rapt audience | LRS Co-founders Peter Kokh & Myes Mullikin | Special guest Jesus Raygoza from Mexican Space Society (Guadalajara). |
| Dave Dunlop, right, toasts current members on hand: L>R: Carol Nelson, Charlotte Dupree, James Schroeter, Bob Bialecki, Peter Kokh. (not shown Doug Armstrong, Ken Paul, Myles Mullikin, Warren Sommer). | Thanks to Ben Huset, Minnesota Space FrontierSociety, who contributed all these pictures. |
Photo of the unique underground home in the Kettle Moraine "Terra Luxe" that inspired the first issue of Moon Miners' Manifesto (and subsequent issues ever since.) .
Photo of The Gravity Bricks
Photo of The Gravity Jugs - September '02
Photo of new M.A.R.S. HAB display - October '02
Photo of new Artemis Moonbase display - November '02
Photo of Peter Kokh at the Rising Moon wall outside Milwaukee's Potawatomi Casino, November 2002
Photo of Peter Kokh with the new Artemis Moonbase Exhibit at a 2003 Outreach event in Sheboygan
Photo of new "mini" Moon-Mars Homestead Exhibit at Mars Society Convention 2004