
 LRS in action - people - displays - events
Scenes From the Early Days

Our Display Debuts at X-Con: Pete, Rodney Schroeter (R)
Early Cohorts: Treas. Tom Berna (L), Pete, Sec. Dan Galuska (R)
Dr. T. D. Lin spoke to us about making concrete on the Moon

Lady Base One - an early flash in the night that failed

Early Artwork

Our 1st logo
Early Rally Cry
1st MMM Masthead

Spinning Off New Ventures

(L) Dave Dunlop, founded L.U.N.A.X., helped with WI Space Business Roundtable, and ran 1st Sheboygan "Rockets for Schools" event. (M) George French launched Space Business Roundtable & Sheboygan event
Business Card, LUNAX - Lunar National Agricultural eXperiment: logo created by Fred Fleischmen from a sketch by Peter Kokh

From "our" ISDC - ISDC '98 - Milwaukee

ISDC 98 Cochairs Mark Kaehny (L) Operations-Treasurer and Peter Kokh (R) Programming-Overall
Hyatt Regency Milwaukee
'99 Houston Chair Marianne Dyson with the '98 Milwaukee Chair

Our Space Displays

Pix of our "Moon Manor" table-top Lunar Homestead exhibit, which made its debnut at ISDC '98, and has been seen by thousands of people since.

Our 20th Anniversary Celebration - December 9, 2006

The Buffet - and everyone was hungry

20 years of LRS & MMM in frosting

People present 20 years ago: L>R Ben Huset, Myles Mullikin, Peter Kokh, Scot Shjefte, Dave Riedel, Larry Ahearn

Minnesota Chapter award to Peter Kokh for 20 yrs of Moon Miners' Manifesto

Minnesota Chapter Award to the Chapter for 20 yrs of service.

Peter gives slide show on joint LRS/NSS/Moon Society 2 week moonbase simulation at Mars Desert Research Station

A rapt audience
LRS Co-founders Peter Kokh & Myes Mullikin
Special guest Jesus Raygoza from Mexican Space Society (Guadalajara).

Dave Dunlop, right, toasts current members on hand: L>R: Carol Nelson, Charlotte Dupree, James Schroeter, Bob Bialecki, Peter Kokh. (not shown Doug Armstrong, Ken Paul, Myles Mullikin, Warren Sommer).

Thanks to Ben Huset, Minnesota Space FrontierSociety, who contributed all these pictures.



Photo of the unique underground home in the Kettle Moraine "Terra Luxe" that inspired the first issue of Moon Miners' Manifesto (and subsequent issues ever since.) .

Photo of The Gravity Bricks

Photo of The Gravity Jugs - September '02

Photo of new M.A.R.S. HAB display - October '02

Photo of new Artemis Moonbase display - November '02

Photo of Peter Kokh at the Rising Moon wall outside Milwaukee's Potawatomi Casino, November 2002

Photo of Peter Kokh with the new Artemis Moonbase Exhibit at a 2003 Outreach event in Sheboygan

Photo of new "mini" Moon-Mars Homestead Exhibit at Mars Society Convention 2004


About Us

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Moon Miners' Manifesto

Meetings & News




Mission Control Workshops

Copernicus Construction Co.

Lunar Agriculture Experiment



White Papers

LRS Future


Lunar Painting Experiment

Arts & Crafts



Peter Kokh